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Setting Category

<Global Settings>

Web User Interface


XML Configuration



This setting is used to specify the time zone.

Valid Values

USA-10, USA-9, CAN-8 MEX-8, USA-8, CAN-7 MEX7, USA2-7, USA-7 CAN-6, CHL-6, MEX-6 USA-6, BHS5, CAN-5 CUB-5, USA-5, VEN-4.5 CAN-4, CHL-4, PRY-4 BMU-4, FLK-4, TTB-4 CAN-3.5, GRL-3, ARG-3 BRA2-3,BRA1-3,BRA-2 PRT-1, FRO-0, IRL-0 PRT-0, ESP-0, GBR-0 ALB+1, AUT+1, BEL+1 CAI+1, CHA+1, HRV+1 CZE+1, DNK+1, FRA+1 GER+1, HUN+1, ITA+1 LUX+1, MAK+1, NLD+1 NAM+1, NOR+1, POL+1 SVK+1, ESP+1, SWE+1 CHE+1, GIB+1, YUG+1 WAT+1, BLR+2, BGR+2 CYP+2, CAT+2, EGY+2 EST+2, FIN+2, GAZ+2 GRC+2, ISR+2, JOR+2 LVA+2, LBN+2, MDA+2 RUS+2, ROU+2, SYR+2 TUR+2, UKR+2, EAT+3 IRQ+3, RUS+3, IRN+3.5 ARM+4, AZE+4, GEO+4 KAZ+4, RUS+4, KAZ+5 KGZ+5, PAK+5, RUS+5 IND+5.5, KAZ+6,RUS+6 RUS+7, THA+7, CHN+7 SGP+8, KOR+8, AUS+8 JPN+9, AUS+9.5 AUS2+9.5, AUS+10 AUS2+10, AUS3+10 RUS+10, AUS+10.5 NCL+11, NZL+12 RUS+12, NZL+12.75 TON+13


For countries that have regions/states with different time zones (e.g. the US and Australia), a country_region_id setting will override the timezone setting when the timezone_by_country_region is enabled (on) (default setting). When the timezone_by_country_region setting is disabled (off), the timezone setting will be used if there is a conflict.

Default Value